Thank you to Pamela Riemenschneider & Baby Ike for this photo! |
HB 1706 & HB 741 went to the House floor on Tuesday, March 13th. They will be pending in committee for probably a week or longer. Texans, please write a new email weekly if you can. Below are guidelines and sample letters for emails from individuals, then letters from breastfeeding groups, and of course, contact information. Currently most sample letters speak to HB 1706; please add HB 741. HB 741 needs our support as well; it will extend worksite accommodations to salaried public employees. HB 1706 strengthens the right-to-breastfeed law.
Ready... Set... Go!
Please send letters to the
Business & Industry committee members:
- **Committee Chair** Rep. Rene Oliveira - D - District 37: Rene.Oliveira@house.state.tx.us
- **Committee Vice Chair** Rep. Dwayne Bohac - R - District 138: dwayne.bohac@house.state.tx.us
- Rep. Armando Walle - D - District 140: Armando.Walle@house.state.tx.us
- Rep. Jason Villalba - R - District 114: Jason.Villalba@house.state.tx.us
- Rep. Rob Orr - R- District 58: Rob.Orr@house.state.tx.us
- Rep. Eddie Rodriguez - D - District 51: Eddie.Rodriguez@house.state.tx.us
- Rep. Paul Workman - R - District 47: paul.workman@house.state.tx.us
If you want to send your email once rather than individualized emails
as listed above, you can copy & paste this list & then add your
Rene.Oliveira@house.state.tx.us, dwayne.bohac@house.state.tx.us,
Armando.Walle@house.state.tx.us, Jason.Villalba@house.state.tx.us,
Rob.Orr@house.state.tx.us, Eddie.Rodriguez@house.state.tx.us,
And also to
your district representative:
Sample letters are below. Personalize one as much as you can, begin by introducing yourself
as a constituent,
and keep it short (two paragraphs). Make certain that letters are not
antagonistic or accusatory. If we get out of committee next week, try
to email weekly.
If you would like a reply, please include:
- Name
- Physical Address
- Zip Code
- Phone Number(s)
Example #1
Hello Rep. _____,
I hope this email finds you well. As a resident of _______, I’m
writing to ask for your support of House Bill 1706 sponsored by Rep.
Farrar and Rep. King, and House Bill 741, sponsored by Rep. Walle and
Rep. Hernandez Luna. Currently Texas law states "A mother is entitled to
breast-feed her baby in any location in which the mother is authorized
to be." However, this merely asserts her right. It does not protect her
right, as there is currently no enforcement provision. Mothers are
frequently discriminated against for feeding their children while they
are out supporting the economy by shopping for their families and eating
in restaurants. Fear of this discrimination prevents many mothers from
choosing optimal nutrition for their babies as recommended by the
American Academy of Pediatrics, the World Health Organization, and
others. HB 1706 will not only serve mothers and babies, it will inform
businesses of the law and allow them to avoid the negative media
attention that sometimes follows an incident where an ill-informed
employee humiliates a mother who is trying only to feed her child.
In addition, House Bill 741 would extend worksite pumping protections
to salaried public employees. Currently, state employees like teachers
are often forced to choose between providing breastmilk for their babies
or keeping their jobs. HB 741 would give these working mothers the same
protection that is already afforded to hourly workers under federal
law: reasonable accommodations for pumping milk for babies up to a year
As a breastfeeding mom and an advocate for mothers and children, I
urge you to support this legislation as we take this to a new level and
truly protect a woman’s right to breastfeed. HB 1706 has already
received media coverage from Dallas Observer, Houston Press, The Spring
Observer, and The Stir (links below). I would love the opportunity to
meet with you to discuss this public health issue. Thank you for your
___Contact Info____
Example #2
Hello Representative _______,
I am a breastfeeding mother living in __________, and it has come to
my attention that House Bills 1706 and 741, sponsored by Representatives
Farrar and King, and Walle and Hernandez Luna, respectively, are
pending in committee. I ask that you support them. Under the current
law, a woman has the right to breastfeed in any location that she has
permission to be. However, because there are currently no consequences
for disturbing a breastfeeding mother, this law is often
violated. Additionally, federal law requires that working mothers paid
on an hourly basis receive reasonable breaks for pumping and a space to
do it in, but there is no protection like this for salaried public
employees such as teachers.
I ask that you help us to support these pieces of legislation so that
we can give our children the best possible nutrition without fear of
harassment; so mothers won't be forced to choose between their babies
and their jobs. This topic has received media coverage from The Dallas
Observer, The Spring Observer, and Houston Press, and The Stir (see
links below). I would appreciate an opportunity to meet with you to
discuss this public health issue. Thank you for your consideration.
___Contact Info____
Example #3
Hello Rep. ______ ,
I hope this email finds you well. I am a mother who resides in the
State of Texas and I am writing to ask for your support for House Bill
1706, sponsored by Rep. Farrar and Rep. King. Texas law already
recognizes breastfeeding as the best method of infant nutrition and
entitles a mother to breastfeed her baby in any location in which the
mother is authorized to be; however she is not truly protected because
there is no enforcement of that law and is thus at risk of being
Breastmilk is the ideal food for newborns and infants. It gives
infants all the nutrients they need for healthy development. It is safe
and contains antibodies that help protect infants from common childhood
illnesses - such as diarrhea and pneumonia, the two primary causes of
child mortality worldwide. Breastmilk is readily available and
affordable, which helps to ensure that infants get adequate sustenance
(World Health Organization, 2012).
As a breastfeeding mom and advocate for mothers and children, I urge
you to support this legislation to better protect a woman’s right to
breastfeed. I would welcome the chance to meet with you to further
discuss the importance of community support and breastfeeding!
Thank you for your time and support,
___Contact Info____
Example #4
Dear Rep. __________,
I'm a new mother in ______, TX, and I breastfeed my baby. Currently,
state law asserts that I have the right to nurse my baby anywhere that I
am authorized to be... but that hasn't stopped people from asking me to
move to a private area when I breastfeed my ______, or telling me that I
need to cover up with a blanket (even though I take care not to expose
myself). Other Texas women have been harassed even more harshly than I,
have been humiliated publicly, and have been banished from public
places, all for giving their babies the very best food available:
breastmilk. This has caused many of my friends to avoid nursing in
public at all costs, which incidentally has a side effect of depriving
local businesses of potential customers. HB 1706 would amend the law to
create a private right of action as a recourse for mothers who are
discriminated against or harassed for nursing in any public place where
they are already allowed to be. Please support this bill, and support
Texas mothers.
Thank you,
__________ and son/daughter __________ (___ months)
___Contact Info____
Example #5
Hello Rep ____,
I am a constituent of your district ___ and breastfed/am
breastfeeding my child(ren). I’m writing to ask your support for House
Bill 1706, sponsored by Rep. Farrar and Rep. King. Texas law already
recognizes breastfeeding as the best method of infant nutrition and
entitles a mother to breastfeed her baby in any location in which the
mother is authorized to be; however she is not truly protected because
there is no enforcement of that law, leaving her at risk of being
Mothers like me are frequently discriminated against for feeding
their children in public. This happens at malls, restaurants, and parks
across the state. [optional: insert your NIP incident here] The fear of
being belittled by another person can be enough motivation for some moms
not to breastfeed, despite recommendations from some of the biggest
health organizations in the world including the AAP and WHO. The
benefits of breastfeeding are well known, but a nervous new mom may
choose not to breastfeed to avoid potential public ridicule. HB 1706
will not only serve mothers and babies, it will ensure that businesses
and their employees are up to date on what the law protects. As a
breastfeeding mom and advocate for mothers and children, I urge you to
support this legislation as we strive to truly protect a woman’s right
to breastfeed.
District ____
___Contact info___
Please help us locate and get all leaders of every state and local
breastfeeding coalition, the Texas chapter of AAP, Texas Baby Friendly
folks, Texas Mother Friendly folks, Texas IBCLC clubs, or whomever you
can think of (hospitals?) to write a letter asking the 7 committee
members of the
Business & Industry Committee for support:
- **Committee Chair** Rep. Rene Olveira - D - District 37: Rene.Oliveira@house.state.tx.us
- **Committee Vice Chair** Rep. Dwayne Bohac - R - District 138: dwayne.bohac@house.state.tx.us
- Rep Armando Walle - D - District 140: Armando.Walle@house.state.tx.us
- Rep. Jason Villalba - R - District 114: Jason.Villalba@house.state.tx.us
- Rep. Rob Orr - R- District 58: Rob.Orr@house.state.tx.us
- Rep. Eddie Rodriguez - D - District 51: Eddie.Rodriguez@house.state.tx.us
- Rep. Paul Workman - R - District 47: paul.workman@house.state.tx.us
We are also asking that you email them to
so that we can see who has sent letters and who hasn't, and so that we
can print out the letters for the public hearing on Tuesday at the
request of Nishi, the staffer from Rep. Farrar's office.
If you want to send one email rather than individualized emails as listed above, you can copy & paste this list:
Rene.Oliveira@house.state.tx.us, dwayne.bohac@house.state.tx.us,
Armando.Walle@house.state.tx.us, Jason.Villalba@house.state.tx.us,
Rob.Orr@house.state.tx.us, Eddie.Rodriguez@house.state.tx.us,
paul.workman@house.state.tx.us, bflaw@bestforbabes.org
Letters should begin with an introduction of your group. They should
talk about health benefits of BF, how you support BF, and HB 1706.
Letters from a mom should be personalized from the mom's point of view,
but these letters should be personalized from the organization's view.
Letters should be polite, of course (not antagonistic or accusing). These letters can be more lengthy than the 2 paragraph max for letters
from individuals (but still somewhat brief). Include contact information
with the signature. See sample letter below.
Thanks, thanks, and more thanks to who ever helps work on this by notifying and collecting letters from BF groups.
Example Letter:
Hello Rep. ________,
We are the _____________ located in __________, Texas. We ____(serve
the community in this way)________. We are asking that you support
House Bill 1706, sponsored by Rep. Farrar and Rep. King. Texas law
already recognizes breastfeeding as the best method of infant nutrition
and entitles a mother to breastfeed her baby in any location in which
the mother is authorized to be; however she is not truly protected
because there is no enforcement of that law, and she is thus at risk of
being harassed.
There is a large push in the state to increase breastfeeding rates
through initiatives like Baby-Friendly Hospital designations and Texas
Ten Step Star Achiever Breastfeeding Learning Collaborative. Only 13.7%
of Texan mothers exclusively breastfeed for the first six months of life
as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics, the World Health
Organization, and other leading health organizations. Initiatives like
those mentioned call for support from the community to improve
breastfeeding rates.
Mothers are frequently discriminated against for feeding their
children while they are out supporting the economy as mothers do. Fear
of this discrimination prevents many mothers from choosing optimal
nutrition for their babies. HB 1706 will not only serve mothers and
babies, it will inform businesses of the law and allow them to avoid the
negative media attention that sometimes follows an incident where an
ill-informed employee humiliates a mother who is trying only to feed her
As representatives of many of your constituents, we urge you to
support this legislation as we take this to a new level and truly
protect a woman’s right to breastfeed. We are available as a resource
to you if you would be available to further discuss the importance of
community support and breastfeeding!
Best Regards,
The credit for the writing here is not all mine - mostly it goes to several women. I apologize for not tracking down everyone's names right now. Thank you for helping us all to make a difference!